Fun Ways to Include Your Pets in Your Wedding

We all know that our furry friends aren’t just pets…they’re family! They hold a special place in our hearts, so why shouldn’t they be a part of one of our most significant milestones? Whether they’re physically present or make an appearance in the decor, we’ve found some fun options for including your best furriends in your wedding.

Match Them with the Decor

Perhaps the simplest way to include your pets in your big day is to match them with your decor. Look at this adorable little pup and kitty! Their wreaths go perfectly with the floral designs. If you have some flowers left over, now you know how to use them!

Match Them with You

What could be cuter than giving your pets their own tiny gown and tux? They’ll be your elegant, furry mini-mes! We can hear your guests “oohing” and “aahing” already. Just be prepared to share the spotlight...or even have it stolen!

Dress Them Up

Okay, so maybe you don’t want your pets completely stealing your thunder. We get it! So, why not dress them up as distinguished guests? A bit more subdued but just as charming. Let’s be honest, though they’re probably going to steal the show anyway!

Cake Toppers

Even if your pet can’t be with you on your wedding day, there are so many other ways to honor your love for them. Take a cake topper, for instance. They were most popular in the 1950s as a symbol of “togetherness” and are still prevalent today. By adding your pets, you’re not just showing a commitment to your spouse but to your furbabies as well!


Stationery is a super creative way to pay homage to your pets. Putting a sweet photo or cartoon on your invites and save-the-dates will surely warm your guests’ hearts...and maybe make them more likely to attend!

Signature Cocktails in Their Honor

Cocktails are often named after cool celebrities, so why not our super cool pets? Pick a liquor that represents your pet’s personality, mix it with some juice or soda to match their sweetness, and voilà! You’ve got yourself a cocktail that’s sure to have you and your guests feline good!

Dessert Replicas

We admit, the idea of eating your pets sounds a bit...strange. But, come on, how cute are these cookies? Or if you just want a replica of their faces, try some cake pops. Either way, we’re pawsitive they’ll be a hit. You can also take comfort in knowing that if your pets were there, they’d probably eat them too!

Give Them a Title

You’ve heard of a maid of honor, but have you heard of a cat or dog of honor? The maid of honor position is usually reserved for our best friend. For some of us, that is our pet! Maybe you don’t have kids in your family but still want a flower girl and ring bearer in your wedding. Give your pets those titles! They’ll give you one more reason to smile at the altar.

Come As They Are!

Last but not least...just bring them as they are! We love them that way on any other day, so why should our wedding be any different? They look just as adorable with fancy clothes as they do without, and let’s be real, they’ll probably be happier without them anyway!

For more cute pet ideas, check us out on Pinterest!